Victorias Tarot at Red Brick Market

7 Aug 2023 1 min read No comments Feature
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Sunday At Red Brick

While I was at the Red Brick Marlet in Liverpool this weekend (helping Danielle Lisa re-vamp her store) I wandered around for a while until I came across Victoria’s Tarot.  I was drawn to Victoria’s booth after seeing it mentioned on the Red Brick Instagram page a few weeks ago.

Time for a change

Having spent the last six years as an Associate Professor of Criminology at Bristol University and a published author of three books,

Victoria has taken the bold decision to step out of her comfort zone and follow her heart and passion, setting herself up as one of the few Tarot readers in the North West, with private readings either face-to-face or online.

Taken from Victoria’s Twitter Feed

Way back when (I was a teenager), I had a healthy obsession with Tarot, Zodiac, and all things astrological, but after speaking to Victoria for 10 minutes it was clear to me that 45 years of not being obsessive had wiped my brain of everything I had learned, however, I forgave myself for this, after all, we didn’t have the internet back then and I actually had to go to a library and read real books on the subject! 

Now, a lot of people will automatically pair Tarot with the Occult, and had this been 1400 I may have agreed, but in the words of the Gunslinger ‘The world moved on’ and in the 19th century, people started using Tarot cards for fortune telling and finding your pathway.  Nowadays a lot of Tarot followers simply use one card drawn each day to see what’s likely to happen.

Open for Business

Victoria now has her shop at Red Brick Market and is available every Saturday and Sunday to do private readings,

The shop is located in a quiet area for your convenience and if you’re coming into Liverpool on a cruise ship, you would do well to book some time for reading in advance.

All that remains is to wish Victoria well in her new venture and you can follow the links above to her account and Instagram.

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